Japanese Anime Voices: Female Character Series Vol.4
Add even more dialogue with Vol 4 of the very popular Japanese Anime Voices: Female Character Series. Vol 4 will give them even more additional extras they need to expand their dialogue abilities and better tell their stories!
Japanese Anime Voices: Female Character Series Vol.4
Add even more dialogue with Vol 4 of the very popular Japanese Anime Voices: Female Character Series. Following the first three voice packs Japanese Anime Voices: Female Character Series Vol.3 this pack will expand your project with more exciting and fun Japanese female anime-voices speaking very usable Japanese phrases!
Vol 4 will give them even more additional extras they need to expand their dialogue abilities and better tell their stories! Picking up where Vol 3 left off, this pack offers more common, everyday phrases useful for game dialog.
Bring your anime characters to life with these common vocal phrases such as "Heading out" or "Swing and miss" spoken in Japanese by professional voice actors.
Compatible with

RPG Maker MZ

RPG Maker MV

RPG Maker VX Ace

Visual Novel Maker
- 126 Japanese animation-like female voices (phrases)
- OGG, M4A formats included
- Female voices (in Japanese phrases) for Visual Novel Games, RPG and much more!
- English translation list included
- Voice files work with the included "Battlevoice" plug-in for RPG Maker MV / MZ.
・You can easily add voices, just copy & paste the plugin, voice file and command text to your game project - Includes MV and MZ sample project
- For use in RPG Maker Series or the engines of your choice!
▼Voice Category List (Click here to expand)
1. 001_Start1.wav いきます。 Heading out
2. 002_Start2.wav 負けません。 I can't be beat
3. 003_Victory1.wav やりました。 Did it
4. 004_Victory2.wav 勝てました。 I won
5. 005_Follow1.wav わかりました。 Got it
6. 006_Follow2.wav はい。 Yes
7. 007_Choice1.wav どうしますか? What to do?
8. 008_Choice2.wav なんでしょう? What is it?
9. 009_Runaway1.wav すみません。 I'm sorry
10. 010_Runaway2.wav さようなら。 Bye
11. 011_Tool use1.wav これを使います。 This'll work
12. 012_Tool use2.wav 使ってください。 Please use this
13. 013_Healthy turn1.wav 頑張ります。 I can do this
14. 014_Healthy turn2.wav 出番ですね。 My turn
15. 015_Dying turn1.wav もう、ダメ Can't...do it...
16. 016_Dying turn2.wav このままじゃ I'm gonna...
17. 017_Abnormal state turn1.wav く、くるしい It...it hurts...
18. 018_Abnormal state turn2.wav 力が入りません So...weak...
19. 019_Unable to fight1.wav ごめん、なさ、い S...s...orry...
20. 020_Unable to fight2.wav こんな、ところ、で Not...not here...
21. 021_Damage1.wav つっ Oof
22. 022_Damage2.wav いたっ Ow
23. 023_Damage3.wav きゃっ Eek
24. 024_Damage4.wav やっ Ah
25. 025_Damage5.wav くうっ Ugh!
26. 026_Large damage1.wav いたいよっ Ouch
27. 027_Large damage2.wav やだっ Oh no
28. 028_Large damage3.wav やめてっ Stop it
29. 029_Large damage4.wav ううっ Owie owie
30. 030_Large damage5.wav そんなっ No way
31. 031_No damage1.wav あれ? Huh?
32. 032_No damage2.wav なにかした? Swing and a miss
33. 033_Weak attack1.wav それっ There
34. 034_Weak attack2.wav えいっ Hey
35. 035_Weak attack3.wav んしょ Hmph!
36. 036_Weak attack4.wav やっ Yah
37. 037_Weak attack5.wav ほっ Huh
38. 038_Medium attack1.wav これでっ Take this
39. 039_Medium attack2.wav おねがいっ Oh please oh please!
40. 040_Medium attack3.wav もうっ Come on
41. 041_Medium attack4.wav こないでっ Back off
42. 042_Medium attack5.wav んもう! Rrrgh
43. 043_Strong attack1.wav おわって!! Stop!
44. 044_Strong attack2.wav 近寄らないで!! No touching!
45. 045_Strong attack3.wav えええいい Hiyah!
46. 046_Strong attack4.wav きえてよぉ! Beat it!
47. 047_Strong attack5.wav もう、やだぁああ!! No no no no no!
48. 048_Recover1.wav 大丈夫ですか? You okay?
49. 049_Recover2.wav 助けます。 Here you go
50. 050_Recover3.wav サポートします。 I've got your back
51. 051_Ok1.wav うん。 Yep
52. 052_Ok2.wav はい。 Yes
53. 053_Ok3.wav そうね。 Yeah
54. 054_Deny1.wav いや。 No
55. 055_Deny2.wav やだ。 No way
56. 056_Deny3.wav ふんだ。 Hmph
57. 057_Aha1.wav へぇ Ahhh
58. 058_Aha2.wav ええ。 Yes
59. 059_Aha3.wav そうですね。 I see
60. 060_Reply1.wav なに? What?
61. 061_Reply2.wav どうしました? What's wrong?
62. 062_Reply3.wav はい? What was that?
63. 063_Discover1.wav あっ Oh!
64. 064_Discover2.wav えっ? Huh?
65. 065_Discover3.wav なに? What??
66. 066_Thinking1.wav んーと Ahhm
67. 067_Thinking2.wav えーと Errm
68. 068_Thinking3.wav んんー? Hmm?
69. 069_Thinking4.wav あのー? Err..?
70. 070_Suspicious1.wav ええー? Whaaat?
71. 071_Suspicious2.wav う~ん Hmmm
72. 072_Joy1.wav やったぁ Yay
73. 073_Joy2.wav ありがと! Thanks
74. 074_Joy3.wav うんっ Yeah
75. 075_Anger1.wav もうっ Hmph
76. 076_Anger2.wav むぅ・・・ Umm...
77. 077_Feel down1.wav ふぅ Ohhh...
78. 078_Feel down2.wav はぁ (Sigh)
79. 079_Shyness1.wav いやっ No-no-no
80. 080_Shyness2.wav きゃっ W-w-what
81. 081_Satisfaction1.wav わぁー! Wow
82. 082_Satisfaction2.wav ふふっ Teehe
83. 083_Shy1.wav も、もうっ Wh..what!?
84. 084_Shy2.wav えへへ Eh...hehe
85. 085_Surprise1.wav きゃっ KYAH!
86. 086_Surprise2.wav はっ!? AHHH!
87. 087_Laugh1.wav うふふっ Tehehe
88. 088_Laugh2.wav ふふふっ Hehehe
89. 089_Bitter smile1.wav あ、は、は、は Ah...hah-ha-ha
90. 090_Bitter smile2.wav へ、へへぇ Eh...he-he
91. 091_Grin1.wav ふぅん Hmmmmm?
92. 092_Grin2.wav あれぇ? Ohhh?
93. 093_Weep1.wav うううっ (Sniffles)
94. 094_Weep2.wav うっうっ、ううう (Cries)
95. 095_Thank you1.wav ありがとね Thanks a lot
96. 096_Thank you2.wav ありがと Thanks
97. 097_Praise1.wav すごいよ Awesome!
98. 098_Praise2.wav えらいね That's amazing!
99. 099_Apologize1.wav ごめん Sorry
100. 100_Apologize2.wav ごめんなさい I'm really sorry
101. 101_Amazed1.wav はぁ Seriously?
102. 102_Amazed2.wav もー I don't believe you
103. 103_Abuse1.wav やめなよ Stop it
104. 104_Abuse2.wav ばか。 Meanie
105. 105_Request1.wav お願いね Please
106. 106_Request2.wav ね、お願い Pleeeease
107. 107_Hello1.wav おはよ Morning!
108. 108_Hello2.wav 元気? How're you?
109. 109_Call1.wav ねぇ Hey!
110. 110_Call2.wav ちょっと Listen
111. 111_Call strongly1.wav ねぇってば HEY
112. 112_Call strongly2.wav 聞いてよ Hey! Listen to me
113. 113_Watch out1.wav ダメっ Stop!
114. 114_Watch out2.wav あぶない! Watch out!
115. 115_Hold1.wav よいしょ Heave ho!
116. 116_Hold2.wav おもっ This is heavy
117. 117_Hand over1.wav はい。 Here
118. 118_Hand over2.wav どうぞ。 Here you go
119. 119_Get shocked1.wav えっ Huh?
120. 120_Get shocked2.wav そんな... No way...
121. 121_Good bye1.wav それじゃ See ya
122. 122_Good bye2.wav ばいばい Bye bye
123. 123_growth_Enhanced1.wav これはっ Woah!
124. 124_growth_Enhanced2.wav 力が Wow! This power...
125. 125_growth_Level up1.wav 少しは強くなれたかな I feel like I've gotten a little stronger
126. 126_growth_Level up2.wav もっと強くなりたい I wanna get even stronger
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