Japanese Anime Voices: Female Character Series Vol.6
Fill out your stories and dialog even further with Vol 6 of Japanese Anime Voices: Female Character Series!
Japanese Anime Voices:Female Character Series Vol.6
Fill out your stories and dialog even further with Vol 6 of Japanese Anime Voices: Female Character Series. Following the first five voice packs Japanese Anime Voices: Female Character Series Vol.5, this pack will expand your project with more exciting and fun Japanese female anime voices speaking very usable Japanese phrases!
Picking up where Vol 5 left off, this one offers more common, everyday phrases useful for game dialog. Go ahead and give your female players even more things to talk about and expand their dialog!
Compatible with

RPG Maker MZ

RPG Maker MV

RPG Maker VX Ace

Visual Novel Maker
- 126 Japanese animation-like female voices (phrases)
- OGG, M4A formats included
- Female voices (in Japanese phrases) for Visual Novel Games, RPG and much more!
- English translation list included
- Voice files work with the included "Battlevoice" plug-in for RPG Maker MV / MZ.
・You can easily add voices, just copy & paste the plugin, voice file and command text to your game project - Includes MV and MZ sample project
- For use in RPG Maker Series or the engines of your choice!
▼Voice Category List (Click here to expand)
1. 001_Start1.wav やりましょう Let's do it!
2. 002_Start2.wav いきましょう Let's go!
3. 003_Victory1.wav やりましたね We did it!
4. 004_Victory2.wav なんとかなりましたね We somehow did it!
5. 005_Follow1.wav わかりました Got it!
6. 006_Follow2.wav まかせてください Leave it to me!
7. 007_Choice1.wav どうしますか? What's wrong?
8. 008_Choice2.wav なにをしましょう? What should I do?
9. 009_Runaway1.wav 逃げましょう Let's run away!
10. 010_Runaway2.wav さようなら Good bye
11. 011_Tool use1.wav どうぞ Here you go!
12. 012_Tool use2.wav こちらを Use this!
13. 013_Healthy turn1.wav 私の番です I'm up!
14. 014_Healthy turn2.wav 元気にいきましょう Let's go!
15. 015_Dying turn1.wav このままでは This is bad...
16. 016_Dying turn2.wav まだ、です It's not over...yet
17. 017_Abnormal state turn1.wav ふらふらします... I feel dizzy...
18. 018_Abnormal state turn2.wav うぅ... Ugh...
19. 019_Unable to fight1.wav こんな、はずでは... This can't be...
20. 020_Unable to fight2.wav はうぅぅ... Aaah...
21. 021_Damage1.wav うっ Ugh!
22. 022_Damage2.wav くっ Hup!
23. 023_Damage3.wav んっ Ah!
24. 024_Damage4.wav んあっ Hah!
25. 025_Damage5.wav きゃっ Kyaa!
26. 026_Large damage1.wav ぐっ Guu...
27. 027_Large damage2.wav かはっ Kah!
28. 028_Large damage3.wav いやあっ No!
29. 029_Large damage4.wav あうぅっ Aah!
30. 030_Large damage5.wav やめて! Stop it!
31. 031_No damage1.wav あれ? Huh?
32. 032_No damage2.wav 痛くありません That didn't hurt!
33. 033_Weak attack1.wav やっ Ya!
34. 034_Weak attack2.wav はっ Hah!
35. 035_Weak attack3.wav ふっ Huf!
36. 036_Weak attack4.wav えいっ Hey!
37. 037_Weak attack5.wav それっ Take that!
38. 038_Medium attack1.wav てぃっ There!
39. 039_Medium attack2.wav このっ Why you...!
40. 040_Medium attack3.wav えーい! Heeya!
41. 041_Medium attack4.wav たぁー! Taa!
42. 042_Medium attack5.wav やぁー! Yaah!
43. 043_Strong attack1.wav これで終わりですっ This is it!
44. 044_Strong attack2.wav 倒れてくださいっ Make this your last!
45. 045_Strong attack3.wav このおおお You...!
46. 046_Strong attack4.wav 全力ですっ My best shot!
47. 047_Strong attack5.wav それえええ Take this!
48. 048_Recover1.wav 回復します Healing!
49. 049_Recover2.wav 助けます I'm here to help!
50. 050_Recover3.wav サポートします Here's my support!
51. 051_Ok1.wav はい Yes
52. 052_Ok2.wav いいですよ Okay
53. 053_Ok3.wav そうですね You're right
54. 054_Deny1.wav ううん Hmm...
55. 055_Deny2.wav いやです No
56. 056_Deny3.wav やめてください Please stop!
57. 057_Aha1.wav ええ Oh!
58. 058_Aha2.wav うんうん Yep, yep!
59. 059_Aha3.wav はあ Yes...
60. 060_Reply1.wav なんでしょう? What is it?
61. 061_Reply2.wav 呼びましたか? Did you call me?
62. 062_Reply3.wav どうしました? What's wrong?
63. 063_Discover1.wav あれ? Huh?
64. 064_Discover2.wav ん? Hmm?
65. 065_Discover3.wav はっ!? Haa?
66. 066_Thinking1.wav ええとー Hmm...
67. 067_Thinking2.wav んんとー Eh...
68. 068_Thinking3.wav んん? Mmm...
69. 069_Thinking4.wav はい? Huh?
70. 070_Suspicious1.wav あのぉー Umm...
71. 071_Suspicious2.wav なにをしているんですか? What are you doing?
72. 072_Joy1.wav ほわぁ! Woah!
73. 073_Joy2.wav ふふふっ He he he!
74. 074_Joy3.wav やりました! We did it!
75. 075_Anger1.wav 怒りますよ? I'm going to get angry!
76. 076_Anger2.wav ふんだ Go away!
77. 077_Feel down1.wav はぁ... Haah...
78. 078_Feel down2.wav どうして...? But why?
79. 079_Shyness1.wav やだっ Oh no!
80. 080_Shyness2.wav ん、もうっ No...hmm...
81. 081_Satisfaction1.wav はぁー Aah!
82. 082_Satisfaction2.wav 最高です... That was the best!
83. 083_Shy1.wav 照れます... I feel embarrassed...
84. 084_Shy2.wav えへへへ... Eheheh...
85. 085_Surprise1.wav そんなっ What?
86. 086_Surprise2.wav うそっ No way!
87. 087_Laugh1.wav ふふっ Haha!
88. 088_Laugh2.wav あははっ Ahaha!
89. 089_Bitter smile1.wav あ、はは、は Ah...haha...
90. 090_Bitter smile2.wav そ、そうですか... Oh...is that so...
91. 091_091_Grin1.wav ふぅん Hmm...
92. 092_Grin2.wav もしかしてぇ Could it be?
93. 093_Weep1.wav うええ Weh...
94. 094_Weep2.wav ぐすっぐすっ... Sniffle...
95. 095_Thank you1.wav ありがとうございます Thank you very much!
96. 096_Thank you2.wav うれしいです I'm so happy!
97. 097_Praise1.wav すごいですね! That's amazing!
98. 098_Praise2.wav さすがです! That was awesome!
99. 099_Apologize1.wav ごめんなさい I'm sorry
100. 100_Apologize2.wav すみません Sorry about that
101. 101_Amazed1.wav ふぅ Hmm...
102. 102_Amazed2.wav はぁ Ha...
103. 103_Abuse1.wav んもうっ! Oh come on!
104. 104_Abuse2.wav だめですね I guess that won't work
105. 105_Request1.wav おねがいします Please?
106. 106_Request2.wav どうか... Please!
107. 107_Hello1.wav 調子はいかがですか? How are you?
108. 108_Hello2.wav こんにちは Hello!
109. 109_Call1.wav あの Do you have a minute?
110. 110_Call2.wav よろしいですか? Excuse me?
111. 111_Call strongly1.wav あ、あの! Excuse me!
112. 112_Call strongly2.wav 聞いてください! Please hear me out!
113. 113_Watch out1.wav っ! Ah!
114. 114_Watch out2.wav 危ないです! Watch out!
115. 115_Hold1.wav んしょ Oof
116. 116_Hold2.wav ん~っと Heave ho
117. 117_Hand over1.wav どうぞ Here!
118. 118_Hand over2.wav あげますね Here you go!
119. 119_Get shocked1.wav うそ... No...
120. 120 ショック2 120_Get shocked2.wav えっ... Huh?
121. 121_Good bye1.wav さようなら Good bye!
122. 122_Good bye2.wav ええ、また See you again!
123. growth_Enhanced1.wav 力が湧いてきます I feel a surge in power!
124. 124_growth_Enhanced2.wav 良い調子です I feel great!
125. 125_growth_Level up1.wav もっと、強くなりました I've gotten stronger!
126. 126_growth_Level up2.wav さらなる高みへ To the next level!
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