Karugamo Footsteps SE Pack

Music and Sound

Karugamo Fantasy BGM Pack 08

Planning on going somewhere? Why not make your character movements super realistic with the real accompaniment of the sound of footsteps!

Karugamo Footsteps SE Pack

Planning on going somewhere? Why not make your character movements super realistic with the real accompaniment of the sound of footsteps! Featuring many different types of wooden / stone / metal flooring, walking and running variations, walking through grass and gravel, splashing through water and more, this pack will bring those epic treks to life!

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Compatible with
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RPG Maker MZ

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RPG Maker MV

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RPG Maker VX Ace

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Visual Novel Maker



  • 45 SE (Sound Effect).
  • All the different "footsteps" sounds! On floors made of metal, stone, wood. Steps on the ground featuring lawn, sand, snow and more!
  • .m4a (ACC), .ogg and .WAV formats included.
  • For use in RPG Makers and Visual Novel Maker or the engine of your choice!

▼SE List (Click here to expand)


Karugamo Footsteps SE Pack

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