The concert tileset includes (in four color variations where applicable):
Ground tiles:
- several colors of gray stone
- glowing squares
- brick
- diamond grate
- plain grate
- glowing edges
- tables
- raised platform with glowing edges
Wall Tiles: matching walls for most floor tiles – concrete, glowing dots, grates, brick
plus additional glowing strips and built-in speakers
Also includes these objects:
- DJ EQUIPMENT – soundboards, mpc drum pads (multiple styles), mixers, laptops, turntables (multiple styles) table and more
- tons of lighting – glowing round lights, hanging lights, smaller square lights, spotlights, round lighting rig
- curtains
- barriers
- cordons
- adjustable trusses
- screens (you can add your own content to the screens)
- random details – exit signs, handrails, stairs, chairs, cables, etc
- keyboards
- guitars
- piano
- electronic drum set
- acoustic drum set
- tons of speakers
- equalizer equipment and amps
- ticket windows and signage
- windows (opaque and translucent)
- doors that match windows
- overhang for concert hall exterior, plus marquee base (empty add your own events)
- large exterior freestanding sign
- lots of various beams of light, spotlights, shines, etc (in four colors)
- and more!
Events and Animations
- flashing round lights (four colors + white)
- glowing spotlights (multiple colors)
- sweeping light (multiple colors)
- twinkle lights
- doors in 2 colors
Check out the full KR series here!
Terms of Use:
* This pack is for use in RPG Maker Series or the engine of your choice.
* OK to be used in Commercial projects
* Contents can be edited
* OK for use in games with gore
* OK for use in adult-rated games