Looking for bright and cheerful music? These light, uplifting pop songs will give your game the bounce that it needs. Pleasant and catchy pop songs with memorable instrumental melodies will have your gamers humming along with these tunes while they play.
Featruing music for all kinds of settings including morning, evening, parks, classroom, holidays, sports, victory, festival and much much more!
- 25 pop BGM, 10 BGS, 20 ME
- Music for mapping, cut scenes, themes, fields, adventure, modern, Visual Novel Maker project plus more!
- ogg, .m4a file formats included
Check out the full TK Projects packs here!
Terms of Use:
* This pack is for use in RPG Maker Series or the engine of your choice.
* OK to be used in Commercial projects
* Contents can be edited
* OK for use in games with gore
* OK for use in adult-rated games