Modern Day Music Mega Pack Vol 2

Music and Sound

There's no time like the present! Contemporary music for your games set in the current day is what you'll get here. 25 tracks, 15 MEs and 30 SFX!

Modern Day Music Mega-Pack Vol 2

Optimized for: RPG Maker MV RPG Maker VX-Ace VN Maker

Set the tone for your present-day RPGs with this versatile pack!

Don't get stuck in the past! This collection of contemporary music hops genres and delivers a powerful pack of tracks with modern orchestra, punk rock, and a detour into the 1980s. Included are 25 tracks, 15 music events, and 30 SFX by Composer Joel Steudler.


  • 25 BGM tracks covering battle, dungeons, retro 80s, themes, and towns!
  • 15 useful music events (MEs) that are great for transtions or short moments that need an extra touch!
  • 30 SFX fit for present-day settings
  • .ogg, .wav and .m4a formats included.

Track List

▼BGM List (Click here to expand)

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RPG Maker MZ

Icon for RPG Maker MV

RPG Maker MV

Icon for RPG Maker VX Ace

RPG Maker VX Ace

Icon for Visual Novel Maker

Visual Novel Maker

Modern Day Music Mega Pack Vol 2

Bundles for Modern Day Music Mega Pack Vol 2

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