Tilesets, characters, music and generator parts! Resized for MV with some favorite content from our beloved RPG Maker 2000/2003!
Optimized for: 
Important notice 1:
This product is sold on Steam formerly known as "RPG Maker MV - Season Pass". If you have "RPG Maker MV - Season Pass" you already have the SAME CONTENTS as this pack. Different names, same pack!
Bring the charming style of RPG Maker 2000 / 2003 to life in your RPG Maker MV projects!
This resized bundle pack contains 4 DLCs including a variety of characters (complete with walking / damage / SV battler sprites, facesets and bust images), train tilesets, generator parts for kids characters and music that will surely spruce up your fantasy projects!
Are you a fan of the classic pixel style or on the lookout for an exciting new library of characters, tiles and music? Look no further than Add-on Pack!
Important notice 2:
2 of the DLCs in this pack are sold on Steam formerly known as:
① "RPG Maker MV - Season Pass DLC 1: RM2k Rearrange Soundtrack & SE" (music content - DLC Pack 1),
② "RPG Maker MV - Season Pass DLC 2: RM2K Hero Character Pack" (character graphics - DLC Pack 2).
Different names, same packs!
Now you can buy all of these DLCs separately on our website for your convenience!
Important notice3
Please note that Music, Character Graphic, Tilesets in this pack are compatible for RPG Maker MZ and MV, but Character Generator is compatible ONLY for MV.
DLC Pack 1 - Music: 10 remastered / remixed BGM from RPG Maker 2000 and 100 brand new SE. Formated in .ogg and .m4a files.
Add-on Vol.1: RM2k Rearrange Soundtrack & SE
DLC Pack 2 - Character Graphic DLC: Featuring 16 characters from RPG Maker 2000/2003 with walking sprites, damage poses and SV battler sprites as well as facesets with 4 emotions (in both MV Style and RM2k Style) and remastered RM2k bust-up images from original RTP.
Add-on Vol.2: RM2K Hero Character Pack
DLC Pack 3 - Tileset DLC: Includes a large and versatile set of tiles for creating a train! ① Autotiles (A2-A5) for creating floors and walls for both the outside and inside of the train. ② Tile B including a large train, complete with the engine, passenger cars, freight cars, and caboose. ③ Tile C includes a full sheet of objects and details that can be used to create the inside of train cars. ④ Animated tiles - such as opening doors, smoking chimney and railroad track switch. ⑤ BONUS: 8 Train-themed NPCs, incuding the Conductor, Ticketmaster and passengers - complete with walking sprites and matching facesets with emotions.
Add-on Vol.3: Train Tileset DLC
DLC Pack 4 - Kid Generator Parts: Includes 127 generator parts to create kid characters! Includes: 21 Front Hair, 21 Rear Hair, 1 Ears, 14 Eyes, 13 Eyebrows, 2 Noses, 18 Mouths, 4 Facial parts, 21 Cloth Accessories, 6 Accessory A, 4 Accessory B, 1 Glasses (***Please note that these generator parts are compatible ONLY for RPG Maker MV, NOT for RPG Maker MZ)
Add-on Vol.4: Kid Generator Parts